Jelle Joustra
Research & Design

Composite materials offer high quality and endless opportunities for product design. However, recovery at the end of use is still a challenge. My research focuses on identifying Circular strategies and design aspects for products containing composite materials in a Circular Economy.

Product design integrates knowledge from various domains and perspectives. This includes working principles, manufacturing technology and stakeholders along the product lifecycle. In my product designs, I aim to find those optimal solutions. To support athletes, scientists and the occasional musician to get the most out of their work.
Jelle Joustra obtained his PhD at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of TU Delft on design strategies for composite products in a Circular Economy. The research was embedded in the Horizon2020 project Ecobulk, which brings together partners from industry and academia to close the resource loop for composite materials.
Before pursuing his doctorate, he designed a range of products. Professionally, he spent most of his time working on thermal sensors. In addition, he designed and built boats, flying cameras and a solar racing car.
As a hobby, he makes kite aerial photographs: photo’s where the camera is lifted with a kite to get a high vantage point. When wind and weather allow, this creates great pictures of the landscapes, so check out the photo gallery!